
Saff's Offerings

Are a combination of healing understandings my grandmother and I practice(d). You will see a a mix of healing opportunities of what she shared, what I share, and what we both share.   Each rooted in Black feminist and womanist thought. 

We hope you find connection, learning, and place to be in our offerings. 

Educational Offerings

A space to learn and connect. 

Depending on how you approach it, being in deep dialogue about the impact of the various systems of oppression can be healing. Dismantling narratives that create internalized racial oppression in Black and other bodies of culture can be healing thru conversation and somatics. These offerings are not meant for extraction; they are meant to be a tool of healing and guidance. 

Sessions can be booked virtually or in person. 

In-person offerings can be changed to virtual at any moment. 

Healing Community Conversations

These sessions are primarily for Black and multiracial affinity spaces for youth, teens, adults, and elders where a conversations about the impact and harm of systems of oppression will be moderated with a healing justice lens along with a somatic/embodiment practice. Session length of time has a minimum of 2 hours. 

Complete a request form for booking & pricing details.

Sister Circles

Similar to the healing community conversations, the Sister Circles dives deeper into topics, experiences, and healing specific to Black women, femmes, and girls. These sessions are at minimum 2 hours. 


When we say “women/femmes/girls” at Saff’s we mean ALL women including our transgender sisters.  

Complete a request form for booking & pricing details.
Sister Circle in Cheyenne, Wyoming(2018)
Giovianna presenting at the Univ. of New Mexico Black Cultural Conference on Navigating Workspaces as a Black person. (2018)

& Facilitation

Request consultation and/or facilitation for your team or organization. A shortlist of topics that can be covered:


Black Identity Development


Diversity Backlash

Organizational Culture Change

Healing Justice 

Affinity/Multiracial Coalition Spaces 

Racial Equity in Organizations

Complete a request form for booking & pricing details.

Healing Offerings

Please note that healing offerings are open seasonally. Sessions are currently open for booking. 

A place to be and connect. 

Astrology and Tarot offerings are both energetic tools to help understand and learn about ourselves and the world around us. These readings are for you and not for anyone else and I will not tell you what to do regarding the situation that comes up. I encourage each client to be open and curious to what messages and information the energy shares with them. 

Sessions can be booked virtually or in person.

In-person sessions can be changed  to virtual at any moment. 

Astrology Session
-40 minutes

Select from either a Natal Chart or Solar Chart with a focus of two energy specific  areas (example: career, family, romantic partnership, etc.) or general overview of your birth chart.  


Humans across many cultures have looked to the stars & planets (cosmos) for guidance for centuries. I define astrology as an energetic and evolving cosmic blueprint of your life or an event based on the star and planetary archetypes rooted from the time and location you were born. 

Sliding scale starting at $60

Tarot Session
-40 minutes

This session entails either 3-6 card pull based on one question. This provides an in-depth intuitive understanding of the energy surrounding the question asked.

Tarot has also been used for centuries as a spiritual/healing tool for people as a guide in their lives. I define tarot as an intuitive messages and communication through connecting with various forms of energy, from the cosmos to our ancestors, while also looking into the symbolism and energy that each card embodies.

Sliding scale starting at $60

Astro-Tarot Session
-40 minutes

This session is a mix of an astrology and tarot reading. There will be an energy specific astrology reading for one area of your birth chart and 1-2 card pull based on on the energy specific area you selected. This provides a combination of the cosmos and energy around what comes through in your chart. 

Sliding scale starting at $60